Self-Introduction Email to Professor Brad

Subject: Self-introduction email to Professor Brad

Dear Professor Brad,

My name is Vivyan Wong, and I am a student in your Effective Communications module. I am writing to introduce myself and share a bit of my background. Prior to joining this school, I graduated from Republic Polytechnic with a Diploma in Media Production and Design, with a minor in business. During my time in polytechnic, I specialised in using creative software tools for graphic design and film production. However, I could not foresee a long-term future in the industry, and realised that my true passion lied elsewhere, in a more hands-on environment where I could build, create and understand how mechanical systems worked. This largely contributed to why I decided to shift to mechanical engineering.

Growing up, I spent a lot of time building intricate Lego sets, which sparked my initial interest in how different parts and pieces could come together to form functional systems. This curiosity of mine continued to grow during my internship as an events designer, where I was introduced to AutoCAD, a software for engineering and architecture. There, I noticed the crossover between creative design and engineering, realising that mechanical engineering combined my creative background with problem-solving in a technical field. Having this realisation solidified my decision to pursue mechanical engineering.

In terms of communication, I am confident in interacting with new people, and am comfortable conversing in various group settings. However, I tend to struggle with nerves during formal presentations, causing me to lose my train of thought or stumble through my points. Improving my confidence in oral presentations is something I aim to work on throughout this program, hopefully with more exposure and practice.

What sets me apart from my peers is my diverse background, where I transitioned from a creative field into a technical one. While I am aware of the challenges it presents, I believe that my creative advantage also provides me with a fresh perspective, combining both creativity and practical problem-solving. I am excited to learn from both my peers and professors, and am committed to overcome any obstacles that come my way as I adapt to this new area of study.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to your future lessons.


Vivyan Wong

I have commented on Jared's and Bryan's letters, as well as Dillion's, who belongs to another group.


  1. Hi Vivyan!, I really enjoyed reading your introduction letter, Its great how you discovered your passion for engineering, taking the step to make that jump from one discipline to another is no easy feat especially at the degree level and is truly commendable. Overall, your reflection on your experiences and how they have shaped your academic journey, demonstrates both "clarity and "logic" both key aspects of the Paul Elder framework, not to mention that the letter was also "complete" and "precise". I look forward to working with you in communications and other modules as well!

  2. Hey Vivyan ,

    I could feel your passion for engineering from reading the letter and I admire your courage to switch from one field of study to another. The in-depth and concrete nature of the letter really allowed me to find out about the journey that you have taken to this day in great detail while still providing examples of each step of the journey.

    I wish you the best for the journey ahead as navigating a new discipline is not easy but i have confidence that can do it!


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